Managing the chaos of digital channels: DXP vs CMS

The fractured operating models and expensive white elephants behind aligning digital channels.

There’s a dictum that goes something like: Multiple digital channels present multiplying digital challenges.

Sales, marketing, B2B, and internal platforms have become a breeding ground for chaos, thanks to their fragmented operating models and a wide array of technology platforms. But, the time is now for alignment. 

Fortunately, whether through a headless CMS, a more traditional option or a digital experience platform there are steps you can take to move forward. Without further ado, let's dive into the options.

The traditional CMS: All your digital assets, somewhere, too often everywhere

Many businesses rely on a traditional Content Management System (CMS).

A centralised repository where everything lives (in theory). Sounds great, right? Well, not so fast. Problems quickly arise when people don’t know how to use it without the intervention of IT, content and engineering.

Too often these systems end up convoluted and messy with spiralling code bases and endless integrations. This creates technical debt and provides a frustrating experience for everyone; from marketers to business users and beyond. People who don't understand or need the complexity that years of piecing it together has created, nor care for it.

The more coordinated approach: All your assets everywhere and coordinated

Others adopt a coordinated approach, where everyone is aligned and content management is an established practice. This approach sometimes unlocks some multi- or omnichannel experiences, if there is enough customer insight and bridging technology. However, it often comes at a hefty price, as you end up paying for the people to coordinate and maintain the system, whether you need them or not as they know its quirks and intricacies. 

This raises questions about the cost profile of supporting what is likely a legacy system with inherent limitations and a lack of flexibility to enable the digital experiences that customers expect.

The DXP conundrum

Some argue that by simply buying a DXP you can realise the promise of omnichannel, straight out of the box. But, of course, as good as they can be, they're not a one-size-fits-all solution. Depending on your organisation's needs and the problem you're trying to solve you might require a combination of federated solutions across departments to meet all employee and customer needs.

That’s why choosing a solution that’s fit for the future is complex, it warrants thorough research and consideration. 

Understanding customer expectations: Levelling up the digital experience

Before making any decisions, it's crucial to understand what your customers want from their digital experience. Have you talked to them?

Expectations are often sky-high, ranging from seamless personalisation to the most immersive of interactions. This shapes the level of intelligence, integration and magic required from your chosen technology platform.

While a shiny new DXP may seem tempting with its out-of-the-box promise, do your customers really crave magic? Or do they simply desire a hassle-free experience with an ease of task completion to boot.

Regardless of your hypothesis, talk to your customers to gain insights from them. 

Replatforming: The magic fix for employees 

Let's not forget about employees here and their journey on the tools and with the tools. Your employees are after all the ones creating, populating and managing your digital estate. They consume and create content that feeds systems that customers interact and engage with. Here, legacy ecosystems and a lack of content operations hinder productivity and frustrate employees.

Often, replatforming helps make efficiency gains and reduces task time. By engaging with people across your organisation, you can identify their specific needs and make informed choices. But, remember, it's not about choosing between a headless system or a shiny DXP; it's about understanding what your organisation requires based on customer and employee needs and desired business outcomes. 

The future of digital channels

The evolution of digital channels has led to a chaotic and often expensive mess for clients. We believe there's a better way. 

It's time to confront the skeleton of the fractured operating model and tackle the white elephants in the room. Whether you opt for a traditional CMS, a coordinated approach, or a DXP, always understand customer expectations and engage with your internal stakeholders. Only then can you define the ideal digital experience and select technology that enables it.

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