Alessandro Medici

I am responsible for identifying opportunities and delivering service innovation projects based on a deep understanding of customer and business needs.
As a Principal Service Designer, my job is to help companies work out what people want from them. In other words, I am responsible for identifying opportunities and delivering service innovation projects based on a deep understanding of customer and business needs.
I offer a creative approach to problem-posing and solution-development due to my multidisciplinary background and ability to strike rich dialogue with people. I can disentangle complexity and understand how to connect the dots and the actors responsible for providing mature solutions that ensure customers meet their needs.
The motivation behind my work is driven by a passion to improve people’s lives, paying particular attention to those who need it most. Before joining Foolproof, I worked in a government organisation that looked after vulnerable people’s financial wellbeing in partnership with the UK financial sector. Before that, I obtained a PhD at the University of Leeds in the field of design for social innovation, developing a framework to guide designers empowering marginalised communities to foster sustainable change.
Besides design, I am also a tech enthusiast and like to play with code: as I kid I wanted to be an inventor! I play the piano and train in gymnastics. But more importantly, I bake pizza and speak proficiency the language of Italian hand gestures.