Jennifer Thompson

We interweave writing into our design process to allow copy and visual design to influence each other from conception through to delivery.
The internet is 90% typography – that’s a lot of words. As a Principal UX Writer, it’s my job to make sure every word gets the attention it deserves. I use and abuse the English language to demystify and unravel complex propositions and journeys into something logical and easy to follow. We skim read and overlook a lot of what we read online, but I hope to make the few words that do make it from our eye to our brain, worth it, and maybe even make you smile in the process.
In order to achieve optimal usability, most of my day revolves around not writing words, but removing them - at first, this felt like parting with a first-born child, but I can now deal with my separation anxiety with the sweet knowledge that I am streamlining the experience for our clients’ users and in turn making their lives a little easier.
As Dr Seuss once said “Words and pictures are yin and yang. Married they produce a progeny more interesting than either parent” And that is why at Foolproof we interweave writing into our design process to allow copy and visual design to influence each other from conception through to delivery.
I was fortunate enough to kick start my career at one of the most prestigious drama schools in the UK, training as an actor. This exposed me to some of the best writing ever produced, as well as teaching me how to dissect and analyse the human psyche, how to empathise and how to collaborate. I can also portray a tree on-demand at any given moment. Moving into digital agency life now means I can take on multiple voices and characters and speak to an audience of millions.
Other weird things I like include prehistoric monuments, Star Trek, swing dancing and chopping vegetables.